All posts by matt

Kindle ebook news server using Calibre

Amazon Kindle 3GI’ve been reading around the topic and I’m still struggling to understand just how to install Calibre on my web server. I want to be able to run Calibre 24/7 on my server so that I can serve up news according to my pre-determined schedule, as opposed to using the process described in my other post: Automated free news for Kindle using Calibre.

However, I have come across three resources that I think might help.

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Streaker FAIL video… very funny!

This guy has absolutely no idea that there’s a door there…

Peter Kay in funny John Smiths advert

I saw this on TV the other day and thought it was really funny…

Automated free news for Kindle using Calibre

Amazon Kindle 3GThe Amazon Kindle is a fantastic piece of kit, with lots of great features and an immense and growing library of available resources. Check out my other post HERE to read more about the Kindle and find links to some great resources.

However, one of the things that I’m not overwhelmed with is the selection and quality of news sources that are available for subscription through Amazon. Not only are they quite pricey which, for a digitally delivered item, seems to be exploiting the new device and the growing market of people with ebook readers. But there is a solution, if you want to take a little time and effort to set it up properly. That solution is CALIBRE – download available HERE.

I’ve read around various sources and have outlined a relatively simple process for setting up Calibre to automatically fetch and send news to your Kindle. (If you’ve not got a Kindle yet, you can click HERE to buy yours now)

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GD Star Rating records IP addresses

The rating plugin that I’ve used on my site is provided by GD Star Rating (link HERE). It’s a powerful, free plugin for wordpress that “allows you to set up an advanced rating and review system for post and comments in your blog using single, multi and thumbs ratings.” More information is available on the web site HERE.

A summary of features is detailed below – but one of the really useful and perhaps underplayed features that is included within the rating system is the ability to record IP addresses of the visitors that vote on the various posts. A quick lookup using revealed some interesting facts for me, when I was looking at the latest batch of votes… all of which occurred within minutes of each other today, and all originating from my ex-employer’s IP address! Surely people have better things to do than visit my personal web site and try to rank down my own posts?! But apparently not…

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Books on Chester

Chester Eastgate clockThis ‘Books on Chester’ page brings together a collection of books and information about the historical city of Chester, Cheshire, England (UK).

There are a growing number of books about Chester now available, but it’s not always easy finding them as searching can throw up all sorts of results with authors called Chester too… so I thought it’d be easy and helpful to put this little resource together and collate the various links to Books on Chester.

I’ve added in some other helpful links too, all to do with Chester.

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Chester Races Fixtures 2011

Chester is renowned for being a glamorous venue where style and fashion go hand in hand.  Racing begins with the three day May Festival putting Chester in the racing spotlight nationally. After May, there are another 11 days / evenings of racing throughout the summer totalling 14 race days /evenings during the season. Each fixture has its own unique identity to ensure a wide-ranging appeal.

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Amazon Kindle 3G

Amazon Kindle 3G

Ok – I’m more than a little bit excited…

After buying my mum a Kindle for Christmas, I’ve finally ordered myself one!

Unfortunately delivery dates over the festive break mean I won’t get mine till the New Year, but it just means I can get all my ebooks in order between then and now. I have, however, had plenty of opportunity to set my mum’s Kindle up, source her some good books and have a general play around with it. My experience with it led me to order one for myself… it’s just that good!

The Kindle 3G, at £149 £152 following the VAT increase  (including VAT and delivery – click HERE to buy yours now!) is exceptionally good value and the e-ink screen has to be seen to be believed/appreciated. Anyone that’s ever had to contend with looking at a regular laptop screen in the sunlight will know exactly what I’m talking about.

Have a look at the video Amazon has put together themselves on the Kindle 3G page – it’s really quite good and helps explain fairly clearly what the Kindle is and what the features and benefits are. You can access the page by clicking HERE.

Contents of this article:

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to anyone and everyone that happens to stumble across my web site!

Feed a cold, starve a fever

I’ve always wondered which way round the saying should go and have never really had a reliable answer from anyone I’ve asked.

So, with a little nifty Googling, the bods over at New Scientist have helped answer this for me. It’s particularly pertinent being as I’ve been struck down with man flu for the best part of the last month!

The maxim “feed a cold, starve a fever” may be right after all, researchers have discovered.

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