All posts by matt

VPhase Voltage Optimisation for the home

Possibly a little biased about this video, since I helped create it… but it tells a great story about why voltage optimisation is so important for the home. Everyone’s keen on doing their bit for the environment, but when the economy’s looking so glum, people tend to focus more on their own finances , as opposed to doing what’s right for the environment.

Voltage optimisation for the home allows people to do both – save money AND save the planet!

  • Save around 10% on your home electricity bills
  • Reduce your carbon emission and save the environment (actually, it saves over 4 tonnes of CO2 over the 25+ year life of the product)
  • It’s easily installed by a qualified electrician
  • It has a 5 year warranty
  • Payback periods are typically less than 5 years – so it represents a virtually risk free investment
  • It’s a completely maintenance free device… it’s simply a case of fit, forget and save instantly!

At £250 installed (when fitted at the same time as a fuse box), it’s a really low cost green option for the home.

Everyone thinks of solar power or wind power as the next green solution for the home, but these things cost a small fortune… VPhase voltage optimisation is much more affordable, doesn’t require a change in lifestyle, and isn’t dependent on the sun shining or the wind blowing!

As the lady in the video says… it really is a ‘no-brainer’!

For more information, please visit

All Blacks tricks and skills at training video

Great video!

The Commercial Hotel, Chester – Comedy Night

The Commercial Hotel in Chester has a comedy night every Tuesday… just £2 to get in, Corona beer only £2 a bottle, and bar snacks for £2 too… bargain!

More info here:

Tepilo – free property web site

The official line is: “Check out Sarah Beeny’s smarter way to buy, sell or let your home. It’s called and it’s free to upload your home. It’s also got loads of property advice from Sarah. Click the following link to view now

It actually sounds like quite a good concept and should do a lot to combat the extortionate prices of estate agents. With wider uptake, this could definitely be a useful resource… certainly one I’ve bookmarked for the future anyway!

How to undo “send” in Gmail

I didn’t realise it was possible to under a send action in Gmail until I read the Mashable article today on it. The full article can be read HERE. But a quick summary for easy reference is as follows:

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New Green Links page added to CODY1

I’ve added a new page to my web site – “Green Links” – which I aim to review regularly and add new links to, when and as I find them. There are plenty of resources available in this field, so if there are any blatantly missing off – please use the Contact Me form to send me information about them. I’ll review them fairly quickly and add them if I think them worthwhile. Thanks!

A handy web site here that looks at ways of improving the energy design of houses, not just for new builds but also in house renovation and redevelopment projects.

Taken from the web site itself, it says,

“The Low Energy House website provides information to enable architects, house designers, house builders and landlords to deliver comfortable, energy efficient and affordable homes that will help the environment and help reduce fuel poverty.

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Golf joke

Golf… the only time it’s acceptable for a man to hold an iron!

Customised LinkedIn buttons

I’m on the business networking web site, LinkedIn (

If you want to include customised buttons linking to your LinkedIn profile (like the one below), then just follow these simple steps.

View Matt Cody's profile on LinkedIn (this button actually links to my personal LinkedIn profile)

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Camelot theme park offer have a 2-4-1 offer on Camelot theme park currently available on their web site, here: – it’s only valid till the 5th September 2010 though, so be quick to take advantage of the deal!