All posts by matt

Finish what you started (joke)

Some doctor on the TV this morning said that the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started.

It sounded like a good idea!

So I looked around my house to see things I’d started and hadn’t finished…

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UK file sharers targeted – what to do?

There’s an article on the BBC web site today (HERE) commenting on how O2 have condemned the fact that lawyers are targeting alleged file-shrers.  Apparently, thousands of controversial letters are being sent to alleged illegal file-shared in the UK. Many online sources are particularly concerned that the letters represent little more than apparent legal bullying, although the firm ACS: Law denies this.

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Another good plugin: Google Analyticator

Here’s another good plugin that I’ve come across, installed and already have found it to be a very useful addition: Google Analyticator. It’s an incredibly useful plugin for WordPress, especially if you’re trialling different themes, building multiple blogs or managing multiple sites. It does all the hard work or you of adding the necessary code so that Google Analytics can start tracking your site. It also ncludes a handy dashboard feature for displaying visitor and site stats right there on your blog’s dashboard. Of particular interest to me is the ability of hiding Administrator visits from the stats to give a truer representation of visitor numbers – and there are a host of other features that build on this invaluable Google tool.

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LinkedIn Super Guide

I’ve been researching LinkedIn as part of another project and came across this great resource billed as a LinkedIn Super Guide that includes Tutorials, Tips & Advice, and Tools links to different web sites and blogs. It’s definitely worth checking out:  HERE (published 12th May 2009).

How to get your site or blog indexed by Google quickly

There are loads of different web sites out there promising number one listings and rapid submissions to various search engines, some free, whilst others attempt to charge you for this service.

The best way to start, however, is by addressing the issue of being indexed by Google, quickly; after all, the search giant accounts for a huge proportion of the search market so it’s essential that you comply with their rules and guidelines about how to get listed and indexed.

There are many different tips and tricks related to getting indexed, some of which I plan on featuring at a later date – but for having your blog indexed there are four essential steps you should look to carry out first.

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Weird, but funny web site!

Not that I particularly endorse this web site, but it makes for some ‘interesting’ and entertaining reading! Facts about Poop is well worth a visit – especially the Survival Guide for Taking a Dump at Work and the Poop Definitions!

Escaped convict joke

A man escapes from prison where he’s been locked up for the last 15 years.

Breaking into a house to look for money and guns, he finds a young couple in bed…

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URL problems with WordPress solved with phpMyAdmin

Every now and again it’s sometimes necessary to change the folders, domains or hosting of your WordPress sites and in doing so, it can be quite a headache because the settings within WordPress try to help, but don’t quite go the whole way in terms of doing it all for you and making everything seamless.

On more than one occasion, I’ve had to revert to using my host’s integrated c-panel to access phpMyAdmin to manually change the information about the site myself. It sounds daunting, but a little searching with Google shows there are plenty of advice sites out there about how to do it.

The way, I did it, is as follows:

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Social media statistics

There are all sorts of facts and figures flying around concerning social media and, on the surface of it, the numbers are quite significant:


  • Over 18m active Facebook users in the UK
  • 50% of users return to the site on a daily basis 
  • The average user visits twice a day 
  • The average visit length is 25 minutes


  • It is now the UK’s 2nd biggest search engine 
  • An outstanding 15m unique visits clocked up every month
  • Every minute, 15 hours of YouTube video is uploaded


  • Estimated 6 million users 
  • Subscriber base is 63% male
  • Largest age demographic is 35-44 year olds 
  • 14% are considered as ‘stable career’ types
  • A quarter of users are high earners


  • Over 2.5 million users in the UK 
  • This is growing at an estimated 80,000 per month 
  • 60 million users worldwide
  • Spans 200 countries 
  • Average user age 41

It has also been reported that spend on social media marketing will reach $3.1 billion by 2014.

Clearly it’s an important (new) media channel, but developing a suitable strategy to engage with these users requires a different mindset altogether from the traditional marketing approaches that have been used over the years.

The question is, how should a strategy be developed that integrates with current activities, aligns with business objectives and delivers tangible or quantifiable returns on investment? That’s the key – and that’s what I plan on addressing in subsequent posts.

Like this design? – part2

Ok – so there are loads of different free themes out there for WordPress and I’ve tried more than my fair share. Thanks to the various lists all over the web, it’s easy to preview and demo countless themes quickly and easily. I did previously make a post about my old theme, Regal (HERE) – but have since come across a different design that I’ve opted for instead.

This one’s called Mystique – and it’s also a freebie theme, given away by the designer. You can download it through the WordPress site HERE or directly from the designer’s site, HERE.

The designer’s summary about the site says: “Mystique is a free WordPress theme that attempts to top commercial templates in terms of design and functionality. Some of its features include 4 theme widgets, page templates for different layout styles and a advanced interface for the theme settings…

I’m still trialling it – but first impressions are good. The theme options don’t seem to be working on my version of IE that I’m on right now, but I’ll test it on Chrome and Firefox later… it certainly isn’t a dealbreaker in any case!

To be fair and fully attribute my sources, I found the link to this theme in this list of “20 of my Favourite Free WordPress Themes in 2009” (link HERE).